Movies Detail of La dérive (2009)
✓ Title : La dérive
✓ Release Date : May 6th, 2009
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 61 minutes
✓ Directors : Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre, Andy Gillet, Philippe Terrier-Hermann
✓ Writers : Matthieu Orléan, Philippe Terrier-Hermann
✓ Company : Pointligneplan
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Dimitri Capitain, Brady Corbet, Diane de Beauveau, Andy Gillet, Roxane Mesquida, Charles Delpon, Simon Buret, Christian Tual
✓ Release Date : May 6th, 2009
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 61 minutes
✓ Directors : Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre, Andy Gillet, Philippe Terrier-Hermann
✓ Writers : Matthieu Orléan, Philippe Terrier-Hermann
✓ Company : Pointligneplan
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Dimitri Capitain, Brady Corbet, Diane de Beauveau, Andy Gillet, Roxane Mesquida, Charles Delpon, Simon Buret, Christian Tual
Synopsis of La dérive (2009)
This film proposes the allegory of a social drift with all the power of romantic fascination that it can evoke. It is about a meeting oftwo young people formatted by a culture of success with two men embodying a nihilistic and dematerialized vision of society. This work treads the fine line that separates the hero from the loser.. Are these two men messiahs or a pair of wandering vagrants? Is this descent on the river closer to a descent into the fires of hell or rather an initiatory journey?

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Well, La dérive (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The La dérive (2009) itselft directed by Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre, Andy Gillet, Philippe Terrier-Hermann and Starring by Dimitri Capitain, Brady Corbet, Diane de Beauveau, Andy Gillet, Roxane Mesquida, Charles Delpon, Simon Buret, Christian Tual which made La dérive (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

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